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Open Digital | Brisbane Marketing & Technology Consulting




We are Open Digital, a Brisbane based consulting firm specialising in marketing, strategy and technology services. We put your needs at the centre of our approach, ensuring we stay OPEN to what really matters.

Our services fall in to four main areas.

Digital Marketing

Strategy & Planning

Project Management

Data & Analytics

Want to know more?

We’re available to discuss your needs any time.

Our services fall in to four main areas.

Digital Marketing

Strategy & Planning

Project Management

Data & Analytics

Want to know more?

We’re available to discuss your needs any time.

Being OPEN means:

We take on projects of all sizes.

From startups and small business to government and enterprise, we’ve got the experience and the skills to deliver success.

We keep a wide range of tools in our toolbox.

No two problems are the same and if all you have is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail. The only tool we don’t keep in our kit is a cookie-cutter.

We use creativity and lateral thinking to solve tough problems.

Whether you’re looking to innovate your product or gain a competitive advantage in the market, creativity and openness are very powerful traits to use.

We are always looking to the horizon.

Without losing sight of the here and now, we’re always striving to look to the horizon for new ideas, technology and methods that will keep your business ahead of the curve.

Being OPEN means:

We take on projects of all sizes.

From startups and small business to government and enterprise, we’ve got the experience and the skills to deliver success.

We keep a wide range of tools in our toolbox.

No two problems are the same and if all you have is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail. The only tool we don’t keep in our kit is a cookie-cutter.

We use creativity and lateral thinking to solve tough problems.

Whether you’re looking to innovate your product or gain a competitive advantage in the market, creativity and openness are very powerful traits to use.

We are always looking to the horizon.

Without losing sight of the here and now, we’re always striving to look to the horizon for new ideas, technology and methods that will keep your business ahead of the curve.

Our Founder

Stuart Morton-Wild

Stuart Morton-Wild

Director, Founder

Stuart is a natural innovator and strategist with an integral focus on marketing and technology. His synthesis of creativity and logic has seen him instrumental in the success of many organisations, from SME to enterprise and government.

With over 15 years professional experience including C-suite appointments and entrepreneurial ventures, Stuart has an established track record of success across a range of disciplines including Business Management, Marketing Management, Digital Marketing, Research & Development, IT Project Management, and Graphic Design.

Here’s what our clients say about us.

“We elected to go with Open Digital because unlike some of the other options they were focused on our long terms needs and not simply trying to sell us a product. … I would definitely recommend Stuart to anyone requiring the services he provides, and look forward to working with him again.”

Matt A.

Operations Manager, Search Factory | iProspect

“We’re a small business with big goals, and Stuart has been a huge part of helping us achieve whatever we take aim at! We’ve worked with Open Digital on everything from branding to systems automation and website development – he’s always got a solution for any problem we throw at him and his attention to detail is second to none.”

Tony L.

Owner, Red Star Music

Drop us a line! We’d love to help with your project.

10 + 7 =

Love a good yarn?

Give us a call anytime.

(07) 3062 4534